End of October Update

It’s been some time since my last post.

First things first, the Ahsoka season 1. My initial reaction was that is started slow. However the feel that is quintessentially Star Wars existed from the beginning. As the series progressed, it felt more like Star Wars Rebels and everything we’ve learned to love from those characters. The series was so good, I watched it twice.

For those who chose not to watch the Rebels animated series, I’m sorry you chose not to watch it to fully comprehend the weight and significance of all the references stated throughout the series.

Although I did have my own issues with the series, I loved how Dave Filoni, cast, and crew brought these characters into live action. For that, I thank everyone involved. Also I wanted to give a shout-out to the late Ray Stevenson for delivering a masterful performance that the Star Wars community shall not forget.


Apart from watching the Ahsoka season 1, I spent my October reading (big surprise). I finally read the novel Star Wars: Shadow of the Sith. Overall, I loved the nostalgic nature of the book by bringing more stories with Luke and Lando into canon. There were aspects of the story that I loved reading and some I didn’t. Without spoiling the story, if I had to rate the novel in comparison with my favorite novel (heir to the empire which is a 10/10), I would rate this novel a 8/10 simply because the nostalgic nature of the story.

During October, I also read the Empire Strikes Back: From a Certain Point of View. I had read the first episode 4 book. Reading about the stories of background characters in these overarching stories is rather interesting. It’s something I never thought of when watching the original trilogy as a child and was a pleasant read to pick up when I had time. If you like to read about anything Star Wars, I suggest you pick a copy.


As we turn our eyes to the end of 2023 and onward to 2024, let us remind ourselves of our love of Star Wars in all mediums: from watching films and series, reading novels, reading and collecting comic books, and/or adding a lightsaber to your collection (*cough cough*…I’m looking at you General Grievous). Everyone has their own version of Star Wars that they cherish. Respect that everyone has a version of Star Wars we all love the galaxy far far away.

To all the Star Wars fans out there, have a great Halloween and May the force be with you!

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